The Internet may be replacing business cards as a primary source of business contact information, but these cards still play an important role in marketing. It’s often the first point of contact between your clinic and potential clients and partners, and it’s a great way to keep your clinic information in their hands. These tips will help you create a design that will help your clinic stand out and encourage the holder to contact you.
What is a Business Card for These Days?
Now that contact information can be found with a quick internet search, the business card has taken on new roles. There are three key uses for these cards today:
It’s often your first introduction to your business. A well-designed card should show the holder what your business is all about at a glance.
It leads clients directly to your practice. If they have your contact information in hand, they won’t turn to the Internet to search for veterinary offices.
Veterinary business cards are great for networking. If you meet a potential client or business partner, you can hand them a memento with everything they need to contact you.
What Makes a Great Business Card?
Graphic designers have widely differing opinions on choices for everything from paper choices to colors, but there are two features they agree on.
The content needs to be simple. The purpose of a business card is to give clients a way to contact you. Anything else obscures the message. Stick to basic clinic information and leave off descriptions of your practice.
Make it stand out: A card may be how a client learns about your business, and it’s also what they’ll reach for when they need to get in contact. The more you can do to make your card easier to recognize, the better. Designs don’t have to be too out there, but a little color and some graphics will help your card stand out. Do you already have a logo? Use it on your card. This will help the holder associate it with your business, especially if they pass your sign every day going to and from work. Don’t have a logo? An image of pets or medical graphics tells the holder exactly what the card is for.
What Should Go on a Card?
Stick to your contact information. For most cards, you’ll want to list your information in this order:
Clinic Name
Names of physicians
Consider writing your clinic’s name in bold to help it stand out. Keep the rest of the text large so it’s easy to read. Remember that while you may have a clear view of the card design on your computer screen, the card itself will be just 3.5 x 2 inches.
Don’t include an email address. Clients may choose to use it to contact you for emergencies, not realizing it will be some time before they get a reply. It’s also difficult to comply with medical privacy regulations. You may be using encryption in your emails, but there’s no way to force clients to do the same.
It’s important to remember that clinics, pharmacies and other partners will also receive your business card. Your clients aren’t going to contact you by fax, but these partners will.
Business Card as Appointment Card
A business card is already the perfect size for a wallet, so it makes sense to use it as a veterinary appointment card. This puts both the appointment information and contact information onto an easy-to-carry piece of paper. For the most space, you can have appointment information printed on the back. Leaving space on the front limits the area you can write in, but it keeps this information visible.
Business Card Alternatives
A business card doesn’t have to be printed on thin cardboard. A sticker card lets the client paste the entire card into their calendar, keeping your clinic information together with their appointment information. Your staff can also place these stickers on instructions for the visit.
Want to keep your clinic information visible? Consider getting magnetic business cards. Clients can put these on their fridge, keeping clinic information handy. They’re also less likely to get lost or damaged.
Getting Quality Business Cards is Easier than You Think
Positive Impressions doesn’t just sell custom printed appointment and occasion cards: we also offer the same customization services for veterinary business cards. Our site makes it easy to create your own card with veterinary-themed graphics, and we can print a fully customized card with your clinic logo. We have short turnaround times, and offer options for appointment-backed cards, magnetic cards and stickers. Visit our website for the latest specials and most recent products available.